Teach Character.
Build Culture.

Achieve Greatness.

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The John R. Wooden Course offers a three-month Leadership Program for CEOs and Executives. The program is designed to help leaders build a culture of competitive greatness.

About The John R. Wooden Course for CEO’s

The John R. Wooden Course is the perfect leadership framework for CEO’s who believe in the value of learning, practicing and teaching quality leadership principals.

We will give you a proven blueprint which guides you and your team to reach your full potential and you will work with a Certified Wooden Way Coach to remain accountable.

Pricing starts at $5,500 for a CEO plus $2,250 for each additional team member.

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Companies That Trust The John R. Wooden Course

Nestle Purina
IN-N-OUT Burger
Orange Lutheran
California State University

Course Outcomes

The John Wooden Way is a path to help you realize your true potential, while helping others do the same. The Wooden Way Outcomes can be broken down into five simple components:

How You Think

How You Think

Example You Set

Example You Set

How You Teach

How You Teach

How You Lead

How You Lead

How You Mentor

How You Mentor

Most Recent Reviews What People Are Saying About the John R. Wooden Course
"Everything rises and falls on leadership, but knowing how to lead is only half the battle. Understanding leadership and actually leading are two different activities." —Coach John R. Wooden
Who is Coach John R. Wooden

Who is Coach John R. Wooden?

If you Google “greatest coaches of all time” you’ll see a lot of debate on who the #2 might be, but there is no debate on who is #1. It is Coach John Wooden.

Coach Wooden has accolades that are too lengthy for this website, and not necessary for us to list (Wikipedia is an organized depository for this).

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